世界上第一款巨型户外游戏系统《Super Street Arcade》
2024-06-04 14:06
815 0 {{PraisePoints}}
Gap Filler



Gap Filler 感兴趣的是如何让城市变得更具娱乐性和社交性。在80年代,游戏机非常热门,并且在社交方面表现出色;现在游戏变得更加私人化,通常在家中、小团体或虚拟空间中与世界各地的其他人一起进行。超级街头游戏机位于公共场所,是一个很好的观察者游戏,需要两个或更多的人合作玩耍,使其具有社交性和乐趣。它还要求玩家积极参与;你会在这个游戏中出汗!我们希望陌生人会伸出援手帮助其他陌生人玩游戏。这样,游戏就具有协作和参与性。超级街头游戏机是一个双重壮观:游戏本身很有趣,玩游戏的人也成为了一个壮观的景象。

这个高品质的 Gap Filler 项目利用了市中心的黄金地段,在一座新建筑物的侧面,因此对于 Gap Filler 来说是一个转折,标志着该组织希望在长期发展城市方面发挥作用的一种方式。我们正在探索各种方式,将有趣和创意的社区意识融入永久城市。


主要的游戏是Cerebral Fix的Attack of the Cones和Def Logic的Space Raiders - 都是当地基督城开发商。

在 Attack of the Cones 中,您将指导游戏的英雄 Jimmy Wheeler 赶快骑上自己的摩托车和打捞的外星人爆破枪,通过基督城完成任务,从外星路障入侵中拯救我们。游戏中有着丰富多彩的基督城角色和众所周知的地标,一定会让你微笑。 在 Attack of the Cones 活动的六个月中,它被玩了100,000多次!

Space Raiders 是对20世纪80年代 Space Invaders 的致敬,具有独特的基督城风味。

在这些主要游戏之间,我们与当地高中学生一起运行了一个 Co[de] Create 计划,他们在课程中为超级街头游戏机系统开发了游戏,并由 Cerebral Fix 开发人员进行指导。他们获得了实际的世界经验,并看到了公众玩他们所创造的游戏。多酷啊!




Super Street Arcade

Meet the world’s first giant, outdoor arcade game system. Get active as you move the giant joystick and jump on the over-sized buttons to play one of the unique classic-style retro games. With an oversized joystick situated at the intersection of Tuam and High Streets in the central city of Christchurch and a 5m-wide screen mounted on the Vodafone Building, Super Street Arcade takes gaming to a whole new level. You’ll need two or three people to work the controller, so make a new friend and have a go!


Gap Filler is interested in how we can make the city more playful and social. Gaming was highly social in the ‘80s with the popularity of arcades; now it has become more private, usually undertaken in homes alone, in small groups, or in virtual space with others around the world. Super Street Arcade is in public, a great spectator game, and requires two or more people to collaborate to play, making it social and fun. It also requires the players to get active; you will break a sweat in this game! And it is our hope that strangers will lend a hand to other strangers in order to play the game. In this way, the game is collaborative and participatory. Super Street Arcade is a double-spectacle: the video game is fun to watch and the people playing become a spectacle themselves.

This high quality Gap Filler project uses prime real estate in the central city on the side of a new building so is a bit of a shift for Gap Filler, signalling one way the organisation wishes to play a part in the longer term development of the city. We’re exploring all sorts of ways to embed fun and creative community-mindedness into the permanent city.


The mainstay games have been Attack of the Cones by Cerebral Fix, and Space Raiders by Def Logic – both local Christchurch developers.

In Attack of the Cones you guide the hero of the game, Captain Jimmy Wheeler, on his fast bike and salvaged alien blaster on a mission through Christchurch to save us from the invasion of alien road cones. Featuring colourful Christchurch characters and well-known landmarks that are bound to make you smile. In the six months Attack of the Cones was active, it was played over 100,000 times!

Space Raiders is an homage to Space Invaders from the 1980s, with a distinctive Christchurch twist.

In between these mainstay games, we have run a Co[de] Create programme with local high school students who developed games for the Super Street Arcade system as part of their curriculum, with mentoring provided by developers Cerebral Fix. They gained real-world experience AND got to see their creation played by members of the public. How cool is that?

A Super Street Arcade for your city?

Super Street Arcade is available to buy! Amazing! We are able to fabricate the game controllers and ship them to you. You will need to provide your own large screen/projection system.

Super Street Arcade is a fun, welcoming amenity that will bring life, fun and play to a part of your city. It also provides ample opportunity for game design and collaboration with local developers and schools.

周一至周五 09:00-18:00