这是Munro向唐·费瑟斯通(Don Featherstone)致敬的作品,标志性的粉色塑料火烈鸟被视为媚俗的缩影。白天是明亮的粉红色,晚上,火烈鸟在游泳池高光泽表面的紫外线下沐浴,以生动的亮度复活。这部作品还伴随着数百只火烈鸟叫声的配乐。
Don’s Flamingos and Rhamandu’s Table
Mixed Media (plastic flamingo, light reactive granules, UV light, base)
An homage piece to Don Featherstone, the iconic pink plastic flamingo is seen by Munro as is the epitome of kitsch. Bright pink by day, at night the flamingos come to life in vivid luminosity as they bath under UV light reflecting on the high shine surface of the pool. This work is accompanied by a soundtrack of hundreds of flamingo calls.
This work continues the experimental yet playful themes see in Gathering of Clans and Minnesota Gathering in which Munro experiments with UV reflective materials and light.