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CAMILLA FALSINI是一位来自罗马的艺术家和插画家。
在罗马接受古典教育并获得插画文凭后,她开始与意大利和国外的机构、出版社(包括Einaudi、Erickson Edizioni、Rizzoli、Tea Libri、Il Saggiatore、Salani、Victionary / 香港、Amaterra / 法国、QED / 英国)、公司(包括三星、Europe Assistance、Gabs、Zalando、RCS、Rai、ILIAD、米其林、耐克、Lavazza、Glo、B&B等)、报纸和杂志(包括Vanity Fair、Interni、Corriere della Sera、La Repubblica、il Sole 24Ore、Rolling Stones Magazine、华盛顿邮报)合作,成为一名插画家。
作为艺术家,她为Napapjiri、Fidenza Village、ILIAD、Lavazza、UPPA、ARCI、Manifesta / 西西里地区、米其林、耐克、Eni、罗马市政府、那不勒斯市政府、RCS、Pitti Immagine Uomo、Pfizer Animal Health、Anas等公司创作了装置艺术、大型绘画、壁画或雕塑。
在2020年,她与WeAreJungle机构共同赢得了“Piazze Aperte”竞赛,作为CLEAR项目的一部分,通过战术城市规划干预手段,重塑了米兰的两个广场。
2016年至2018年间,她出版了三本插图书籍:“100 CHEVALIERS”在法国由Amaterra Editions出版;“ZOOM: The biggest circle ever”,为香港Victionary出版;“5 WILD SHAPES”,为英国QED出版社,已被翻译成6种语言:英语(英国、美国和加拿大)由QUARTO GROUP出版、法语由GALLIMARD出版、西班牙语和加泰罗尼亚语由EDEBE出版、荷兰语由Standaard Uitgeverij NV出版、意大利语由Gallucci Editore出版。
她参加了街头艺术节:Pangrel、Murali、Subsidenze、Pop-up、ArtConventional、FRA、Arteinattesa、Live Painting、Influences、Local Art Walls、Antonio Giordano Award、Stelvio Fest、LINK Urban Art Festival,并参与了MURo项目、罗马城市博物馆的街头艺术项目,以及为由MURo和Anas策划的GRAArt项目绘制了一幅大型壁画。
Her work is characterized by clear lines, stylized and minimal shapes and strong colors and ranges from editorial illustration to large wall paintings, from design objects to books.
After classical studies and a diploma in illustration at the IED in Rome, she started working as an illustrator collaborating with italian and foreign agencies, publishers (Einaudi, Erickson Edizioni, Rizzoli, Tea Libri, Il Saggiatore, Salani, Victionary / Honk Kong, Amaterra / France, QED / United Kingdom), companies (Samsung, Europe Assistance, Gabs, Zalando, RCS, Rai, ILIAD, Michelin, Nike, Lavazza, Glo, B&B and others) newspapers and magazines (Vanity Fair, Interni, Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, il Sole 24Ore, Rolling Stones Magazine, Washington Post).
As an artist she created installations, large paintings, wall paintings or sculptures for Napapjiri, Fidenza Village, ILIAD, Lavazza, UPPA, ARCI, Manifesta / Regione Sicilia, Michelin, NIKE, Eni, Municipality of Rome, Municipality of Naples, RCS, Pitti Immagine Uomo, Pfizer Animal Health, Anas.
In 2020 she won, together with the WeAreJungle agency, the “Piazze Aperte” competition as part of the CLEAR project – City LivEAbility by Redesign, for the regeneration through tactical urban planning interventions of two squares in Milan.
Between 2016 and 2018 she published three illustrated books: “100 CHEVALIERS” in France for the Amaterra Editions; “ZOOM: The biggest circle ever”, for Victionary, Honk Kong; “5 WILD SHAPES”, for QED Publisher, United Kingdom, which has been published in 6 languages: english (UK, USA and Canada) for QUARTO GROUP, french for GALLIMARD, spanish and catalan for EDEBE, dutch for Standaard Uitgeverij NV, italian for Gallucci Editore.
She is one of the illustrators selected at the 2017 Bologna Book Fair.
She has taken part in many group exhibitions (including one at the Milan Triennale, two at the MACRO in Rome, one at the MADRE in Naples,) and between 2015 and 2019 he has exhibited in three solo exhibitions in Ravenna, Florence and Bologna.
Official selection at the Bologna Children’s Book fair in 2017.
She participated in street-art festivals: Pangrel, Murali, Subsidenze, Pop-up, ArtConventional, FRA, Arteinattesa, Live Painting, Influences, Local Art Walls, Antonio Giordano Award, Stelvio Fest, LINK Urban Art Festival and took part in the MURo project, Urban Museum of Rome and painted a large wall for the GRAArt project curated by MURo and Anas.
Her outdoor murals can be found in Rome, Milan, Turin, Palermo, Naples, Padua, Bormio, Brescia, Monza, Ravenna, Bologna, Viterbo and in Molise, Marche, Basilicata. She also made murals in interiors, such as an entire room in the Madama Hostel in Milan, in companies and offices in Rome and Milan, in schools and playrooms or private houses.
在罗马接受古典教育并获得插画文凭后,她开始与意大利和国外的机构、出版社(包括Einaudi、Erickson Edizioni、Rizzoli、Tea Libri、Il Saggiatore、Salani、Victionary / 香港、Amaterra / 法国、QED / 英国)、公司(包括三星、Europe Assistance、Gabs、Zalando、RCS、Rai、ILIAD、米其林、耐克、Lavazza、Glo、B&B等)、报纸和杂志(包括Vanity Fair、Interni、Corriere della Sera、La Repubblica、il Sole 24Ore、Rolling Stones Magazine、华盛顿邮报)合作,成为一名插画家。
作为艺术家,她为Napapjiri、Fidenza Village、ILIAD、Lavazza、UPPA、ARCI、Manifesta / 西西里地区、米其林、耐克、Eni、罗马市政府、那不勒斯市政府、RCS、Pitti Immagine Uomo、Pfizer Animal Health、Anas等公司创作了装置艺术、大型绘画、壁画或雕塑。
在2020年,她与WeAreJungle机构共同赢得了“Piazze Aperte”竞赛,作为CLEAR项目的一部分,通过战术城市规划干预手段,重塑了米兰的两个广场。
2016年至2018年间,她出版了三本插图书籍:“100 CHEVALIERS”在法国由Amaterra Editions出版;“ZOOM: The biggest circle ever”,为香港Victionary出版;“5 WILD SHAPES”,为英国QED出版社,已被翻译成6种语言:英语(英国、美国和加拿大)由QUARTO GROUP出版、法语由GALLIMARD出版、西班牙语和加泰罗尼亚语由EDEBE出版、荷兰语由Standaard Uitgeverij NV出版、意大利语由Gallucci Editore出版。
她参加了街头艺术节:Pangrel、Murali、Subsidenze、Pop-up、ArtConventional、FRA、Arteinattesa、Live Painting、Influences、Local Art Walls、Antonio Giordano Award、Stelvio Fest、LINK Urban Art Festival,并参与了MURo项目、罗马城市博物馆的街头艺术项目,以及为由MURo和Anas策划的GRAArt项目绘制了一幅大型壁画。
Her work is characterized by clear lines, stylized and minimal shapes and strong colors and ranges from editorial illustration to large wall paintings, from design objects to books.
After classical studies and a diploma in illustration at the IED in Rome, she started working as an illustrator collaborating with italian and foreign agencies, publishers (Einaudi, Erickson Edizioni, Rizzoli, Tea Libri, Il Saggiatore, Salani, Victionary / Honk Kong, Amaterra / France, QED / United Kingdom), companies (Samsung, Europe Assistance, Gabs, Zalando, RCS, Rai, ILIAD, Michelin, Nike, Lavazza, Glo, B&B and others) newspapers and magazines (Vanity Fair, Interni, Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, il Sole 24Ore, Rolling Stones Magazine, Washington Post).
As an artist she created installations, large paintings, wall paintings or sculptures for Napapjiri, Fidenza Village, ILIAD, Lavazza, UPPA, ARCI, Manifesta / Regione Sicilia, Michelin, NIKE, Eni, Municipality of Rome, Municipality of Naples, RCS, Pitti Immagine Uomo, Pfizer Animal Health, Anas.
In 2020 she won, together with the WeAreJungle agency, the “Piazze Aperte” competition as part of the CLEAR project – City LivEAbility by Redesign, for the regeneration through tactical urban planning interventions of two squares in Milan.
Between 2016 and 2018 she published three illustrated books: “100 CHEVALIERS” in France for the Amaterra Editions; “ZOOM: The biggest circle ever”, for Victionary, Honk Kong; “5 WILD SHAPES”, for QED Publisher, United Kingdom, which has been published in 6 languages: english (UK, USA and Canada) for QUARTO GROUP, french for GALLIMARD, spanish and catalan for EDEBE, dutch for Standaard Uitgeverij NV, italian for Gallucci Editore.
She is one of the illustrators selected at the 2017 Bologna Book Fair.
She has taken part in many group exhibitions (including one at the Milan Triennale, two at the MACRO in Rome, one at the MADRE in Naples,) and between 2015 and 2019 he has exhibited in three solo exhibitions in Ravenna, Florence and Bologna.
Official selection at the Bologna Children’s Book fair in 2017.
She participated in street-art festivals: Pangrel, Murali, Subsidenze, Pop-up, ArtConventional, FRA, Arteinattesa, Live Painting, Influences, Local Art Walls, Antonio Giordano Award, Stelvio Fest, LINK Urban Art Festival and took part in the MURo project, Urban Museum of Rome and painted a large wall for the GRAArt project curated by MURo and Anas.
Her outdoor murals can be found in Rome, Milan, Turin, Palermo, Naples, Padua, Bormio, Brescia, Monza, Ravenna, Bologna, Viterbo and in Molise, Marche, Basilicata. She also made murals in interiors, such as an entire room in the Madama Hostel in Milan, in companies and offices in Rome and Milan, in schools and playrooms or private houses.